Having an employee capable of multitasking across a company is an asset to an employer. In order to secure one’s position in an establishment a knowledge of Business English is a must-have because of the intense competition in the job market.
- Course outline and approach
- Chairing, setting the agenda, controlling the conversation
- Participating, turn taking, listening and taking notes
- Being diplomatic, agreeing and disagreeing
Business Correspondence
- Emails – difference styles, standard phrasing
- Notes and memos
- Business specific language phrases
- Checking & clarifying information
- Finance specific scenarios
- Listening to different accents, intonation
Making Presentations
- Introducing a topic effectively
- Linking and sequencing ideas
- Concluding
- Responding to questions
Process Management
- Describing processes, cause and effect
- Criticizing, recommending
- Quality assurance, continuous improvement
- Key negotiating language, framing your argument
- Negotiating with suppliers
- Negotiating with customers
- Skim reading reports and news feeds
- How to report information and ideas
- Writing reports – style, register, conventions
Social English
- Ice breaking conversation
- Speed networking
- Small talk, turn taking
- Business conventions
Some examples of other areas of language that could be covered if required
- Case studies
- Writing effective proposals
- Managing teams
- Cross cultural awareness
- Discussing the wider economic picture
Course Summary